University of Colorado Boulder
- 网络科罗拉多大学波德分校;科罗拉多大学波尔得分校;科罗拉多大学博尔德分校;科罗拉多大学;美国

Not getting enough sleep doesn 't just make you tired . It also makes you fat because of increased snacking , according to researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder in America 。
Lawrence Williams , PhD , assistant professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder , and John A.
Now , researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder say my children are not intentionally trying to push me over the edge .
Life in Color : Yellow A staircase stands in sharp relief against a wall of yellow stained glass at the University of Colorado in Boulder .
After all , the University of Colorado at Boulder was a Taj Mahal - the door to judicial and prestigious law firms .
Getting a good deal takes on its own value , 'says Leaf Van Boven , a professor of psychology at the University of Colorado in Boulder .
I 'd coasted through the university of Colorado at Boulder without working up a major sweat and was duly admitted to its prestigious law school .
He is also an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder and teaches several summer courses in the Electrical , Computer , and Energy Engineering department .
Does being an out-of-state student at the University of Colorado at Boulder yield twice the amount of income as being an in-state student there ?
After all , the University of Colorado at Boulder was a Taj Mahal & the door to judicial clerkships and prestigious law firms .
Clauset , who teaches at the University of Colorado , Boulder and is part of the Santa Fe Institute , has spent the past decade on the frontier of computing and statistical research .
The Roman romantics were drunk . They were naked , says Noel Lenski , a historian at the University of Colorado at Boulder .
A large black bear who wandered up into a tree at the University of Colorado - Boulder , is again safe after wildlife department officials managed to get him out of a sticky situation .
That might also hold true in other parts of the state , where University of Colorado at Boulder political scientist Kenneth Bickers says apathy could diminish Hispanic turnout at the polls .
The Roman romantics " were drunk . They were naked , " says Noel Lenski , a historian at the University of Colorado at Boulder .
Unlike gas giants in our solar system , hot Jupiters have orbits that swing tightly around their stars , says Sean Raymond , study co-author and astrophysicist at the University of Colorado in Boulder .
NCAR and UCAR postdocs have received their doctorates from all over the world , from as close as the University of Colorado at Boulder to as far away as Kyoto University in Japan .
" The reality is that we should be adapting " and tackling carbon-dioxide emissions at the same time , notes Roger Pielke Jr. , a science-policy specialist at the University of Colorado at Boulder .
Does going to Columbia University yield a 40 % greater return than attending the University of Colorado at Boulder as an out-of-state student ?